Now in such a state of crisis we forget to look at ourselves from our own point of view. With both positive and negative aspect of self image, we feed ourselves on the negative ones to an extent that we suffocate and die as a human or end up sharing similarities with the machines.
Here are a few tips on importance of having a self image.
1. Love:

2. Worth:
You are worth everything, all the battles that you have fought, the unseen scars, the visible mark, every little flaw, all the failures is what has made you what you are today. There will always be someone who will find faults in you, will stand there to criticise, to judge but know there opinion about you isn't going to make any difference in your life but your opinion about you will definitely make a huge impact.
3. Protective guard:

4. Influence:

5. Segregate:
When the world is segregating you in every way possible, you also need to do the same. Segregate what you take into consideration, there are negative words sugar coated in positive ones, there are words that looks ugly on the outside but is really beautiful on the inside, not everything society says is true, not every comment has to be replied. Segregate what you need and move ahead with it leaving the rest where they are supposed to be. Learn to say NO when required. You cannot make everyone happy but it is up to you to keep yourself happy.
Self Love