"The Address" is a short story by Marga Minco, a Dutch author. It's a poignant narrative that explores themes of memory, loss, and the impact of war.

Objective: Students will analyze the themes, characters, and narrative techniques used in "The Address" to deepen their understanding of the story and its historical context.

Materials Needed:

  1. Copies of "The Address" by Marga Minco
  2. Whiteboard and markers
  3. Handouts with discussion questions
  4. Computers or tablets for research (optional)

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (15 minutes):

  1. Begin the lesson by discussing the title and its significance. Ask students what they think "The Address" might refer to.
  2. Provide a brief overview of the author, Marga Minco, and the historical context of the story (World War II and the Holocaust).

Reading and Analysis (30 minutes):

  1. Assign "The Address" for reading either in class or as homework.
  2. Divide the class into small groups and have them discuss their initial impressions of the story.
  3. Reconvene as a class and guide a discussion on the following:
    • Characters: Who are the main characters in the story? What are their motivations and struggles?
    • Themes: What themes emerge in the story? How does the author explore these themes?
    • Narrative techniques: How does Minco use language, imagery, and symbolism to convey the story's message?
  4. Encourage students to cite specific passages from the text to support their analysis.
  5. Talk about the characters that act as an opportunists in the story.
  6. Debate the conclusion of the story. Create two group seeking a different ending as a topic of the debate.

Historical Context (15 minutes):

  1. Provide background information on the historical context of World War II and the Holocaust, focusing on the experiences of Dutch Jews.
  2. Discuss how "The Address" reflects the experiences of Jews during this time period.

Writing Activity (20 minutes):

  1. Ask students to imagine they are one of the characters in "The Address" and to write a diary entry reflecting on their experiences before, during, and after the events of the story.
  2. Encourage students to consider the emotions, fears, and challenges faced by their chosen character.

Closure (10 minutes):

  1. Have students share their diary entries with the class, either by reading them aloud or displaying them on the board.
  2. Conclude the lesson by revisiting the themes and discussing how "The Address" continues to resonate with readers today.

Homework: Assign a reflective essay in which students analyze how "The Address" explores the lasting impact of war and the importance of memory in shaping individual and collective identities.

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