1. Communicate:

Communication is a very vital aspect in any relationship but it is more important in long distance relationship as this will help you bridge the gap between you both. Include your partner for all the big and small event of your day by telling them everything at the very moment when it is happening and thanks to all the apps that helps us do so. Make it as your priority to call them even if you are not much of person who talks. Always ask them how their day was. Call them early in the morning and before bed. Make it a habit. Let your partner know what they mean to you and how much you love them always. We are in a generation that has hundreds of apps that can help us communicate and stay in touch with each other if we want to.
2. Trust:

Relation thrive on trust even if you meet your partner on daily basis but do not trust each other then things between you will go downhill and when you are in distance relationship you have to put an extra effort. Do not believe everything you hear sometimes people just do it out of their habit to destroy people's happiness. First step of trust is by being trustworthy ourselves. If you give no chance for the person to doubt you then the other person will have no issues and vice versa.
3. Visit each other often:
Keep a fixed day of a month or a week to meet each other. This will not only help you to have something to look forward to but also help you keep your relationship alive as sometimes there are conversation that we cannot have over phone. Sometimes we feel dejected and not be able to tell our partners but when we meet we can see what the other is going through and provide some solution.
4. Surprise each other often:

Its hard to stay true when you are in distance relationship and someone near you puts more effort towards you than your partner. No matter how much you love each other this third person will somehow break things for you. To prevent this you should always know your limits. Do not let people see you off guard. You can always pay a surprize visit and also have plans for your partner with help of a friend. For example plan a surprise birthday party or may be get a help from your or their friend to leave a present at the door. A random bouquet of flowers. Things have become so easy all you need is to shop online, pay and enter your loved ones location. Online shopping will deliver it to them. Sometimes we have to think outside the box to keep each other happy and you should not let go of each other as one's priority.
5. Do not fight over phone:

Keep all your problems for the time you meet because a simple fight can be so big as you both won't be able to understand each other's situation over phone. You both will feel helpless to solve it. Do not fight over little things these thing will bring an incurable crack as you both will be unable to rectify it until you meet and solve it which in some cases may take months and so many things change within a week after months you both will just be strangers. Even if you do let the other one have a chance to explain. Sometimes we say things we do not mean.